Dear Future 8th Graders….

Dear Future 8th Graders,

I take it that you must be looking for help. I am going to do my best in helping you in your last year of middle school. ELA was my favorite subject, I enjoyed going to class each day. I m going to help you succeed 8th grade.

First of all, always be positive when doing assignments in ELA. Do not procrastinate when you are assigned an Istation assignment. I know that Istation may be boring but it helped me with certain topics. Although, Istation may take a long time to finish it is educational. Procrastination is not a good thing to do in a subject whether it may be Math to History. Procrastion will never be an advantage.

Second, save your work such as drafts, essays, and writings. Many piers would lose their work when they did not save their work. This is a problem because they would their time and effort the spent. This is an important reason for why you should always save your work once in awhile.

Third,  AR points are important to get before a deadline. Reading every day is important to meet you AR goal. I personally have received a demerit for not meeting my AR goal. When you read, you expand your knowledge and vernacular. You could read in your free time or when you are bored.

Al in all, 8th grade will be an adventure for you. Have fun but remember to be a good role model. Next year will be your first year in high school. You decide what will happen this year and next year.



One comment

  1. betahildebrand · May 15, 2018 at 9:30 am ·

    Lucas, I’m very happy to hear that you enjoyed ELA class. Great lesson on procrastination.

    “peers” not “piers”4