100 Word Challenge – Week 6

It all  began with the disapperance of Pablo. Pablo was always known as the chill dude. He was smart, athletic, and funny. He had never missed a school day. His girlfriend Alissa was worried. Although  everyone told her he was fine. She knew something was wrong, he wouldn’t go missing without a trace. Alissa walked to his locker, since she was Pablo’s girlfriend she knew his locker’s combination. Ther was a note in his locker, it had directions to the woods. After school she left to location, there she saw Pablo’s body. His body layed still, lifeless, bloody, and scratched…

100 Word Challenge image:  https://100wc.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/0N2A7753aRZ.jpg

One comment

  1. betahildebrand · October 21, 2017 at 4:01 pm ·

    What a sad story! I wonder what Alissa would do?
    You left us hanging so I fear we will never find out.
    Please finish your next 100 word challenge so you don’t leave the readers hanging.